It’s June

My hardest month

My mind is flooded with memories triggered by social media

I might have to turn it off temporarily

or just ignore it

Memories of each day in my life every day this month

may be difficult

Good, bad, comical, crazy, sad, and gut-wrenching

So June

Can you go quickly please?

Just a sampling from today’s (not so bad) memories (that still brought tears)


My daddy’s 80th birthday celebration and Malea’s 7th

My parents’ pride of having all their grands in the same room (with one on the way)…

Yes, I was behind the camera…

Malea will be 14 next week…

Visiting with my Aunt

Missing those who are in Heaven and those who aren’t here by choice


Asking for unspoken prayers on social- most likely for either Larry and his illness or my Dad missing my mom

Reading Sweet replies from friends who have joined them in Heaven since

2017 & 2018


Larry in the hospital – 20 days left on earth


Rona Musings Gratitude Day Nine (one day earlier)


Gratitude 186


Through my memory induced tears I remind myself that everything and everyone in my life was for a reason, season, or lesson

That life doesn’t always turn out as planned

There are three answers to prayers: Yes, No, and Wait

To treat every day as though it could be the last

Love and live without expectations and reservations

To be kind

… and through it all there is One who is always present:


XO Lisa ❤️

7 comments on “264 Thoughts on June

  1. Lisa, God has blessed you with family and friends who truly make a difference.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. awww sending love ad hugs dear Lisa! 💖

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hugs dear Lisa. You are one awesome Phoenix!💛

    Liked by 1 person

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