Award Grateful

Liebster Award Nomination 2020


Thank you Trish of “RANDOM THOUGHTS by Trish … not necessarily sane” for nominating my blog for the Liebstar Award 2020! I am honored, surprised, and most grateful!

The Liebstar Award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea in promoting your own blog and others. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers, but this has slowly lowered as the reward has gained popularity. It is now only 200 readers or less. It’s really an arbitrary number. If you like helping other blogs out go ahead and do it regardless of its size. This award is all about promoting and viewing other people’s blogs. (Taken from


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to The Road Back to Life Blog
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers
  4. Ask your nominees 11 questions
  5. Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post

Trish sent the following questions:

  1. How long have you been blogging?
  2. What is your favourite writing genre?
  3. Have you previously been nominated for a blogging award?
  4. Where have you travelled to and what is your favourite country / culture?
  5. Do you have a bucket list?
  6. What has been your biggest triumph?
  7. What has been your lowest moment?
  8. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your life?
  9. What do you think of Donald Trump?
  10. Name your favourite memory of your hometown.
  11. Do you believe in a spiritual deity / higher power?

So here we go with my answers:

How long have you been blogging? I have been blogging for a little over a year.

What is your favourite writing genre? Whatever thoughts are in my head. My blog started out as a way to deal with my deep grief after the death of my husband Larry in June 2019. Lately I have been practicing gratitude and chronicling my little badass calendar. However, I just blog about whatever is running around in my mind, which usually overthinks everything.

Have you previously been nominated for a blogging award? Yes. I was nominated for the prestigious Northwich Warrior award by Ben at Brothers’ Campfire , a Blogger Recognition Award by Herb at Prudentia Sit, and the Bee Love award by  Rising Star. I sincerely appreciate each, and every award nomination.

Where have you travelled to and what is your favourite country / culture? While I have traveled many places in the USA, my last trip before COVID was to London, UK. I met my daughter there for a week of fun and sightseeing. We had a blast. My favorite thing to see wasn’t even in London- it was Stonehenge! The energy at Stonehenge is amazing. However, the museums in London are breathtaking and I visited them many times. St. Bartholomew’s was amazing. I walked through the creepy crypts at Westminster Abbey, and we heard a beautiful concert at St. Paul’s Cathedral. I want to go back someday…

Do you have a bucket list? Oh yes! It is ever-evolving. The newest addition is to skydive to conquer my dear of heights.

What has been your biggest triumph? Finding myself after the death of my husband.

What has been your lowest moment? The death of my husband.

How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your life? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I work from home. I don’t see my grandchildren as often as I would like. Keeping a six foot distance and wearing a mask makes dating very difficult.

What do you think of Donald Trump? At this point, I think he is the lesser of two evils.

Name your favourite memory of your hometown. Being a child and living with my parents and sisters in my childhood home in a world that was decidedly not like it is today.

Do you believe in a spiritual deity / higher power? Absolutely, without a doubt!

My questions to the nominees (I enjoyed Trish’s questions, so I am repeating them with some small changes):

  1. How long have you been blogging?
  2. What is your favorite writing genre?
  3. Have you previously been nominated for a blogging award?
  4. Where have you traveled to and what is your favorite country?
  5. Do you have a bucket list?
  6. What has been your biggest triumph?
  7. What has been your lowest moment?
  8. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your life?
  9. What do you think of the current state of the affairs in your country?
  10. Name your favorite memory of your hometown.
  11. Do you believe in a spiritual deity / higher power?

And I nominate :

Mollie Writes

10 lines of VERITY

Like The Bereans

The Anxiety Peach

Inspire Your Thinking



Wandering Words

Suddenly Single Mom of Tiny & Loud Dragons


Building New Friendships, Rebuilding Lives

And for good measure, I also nominate:

Prudentia Sit

Don’t Make it Weird

I enjoy reading all your words and hope you are happy with this nomination.

Be sure to give them some love — like and follow their blogs!

XO Lisa

7 comments on “Liebster Award Nomination 2020

  1. This was lovely to read! And thank you so much for nominating me 🙂 x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations on your award nomination.


  3. Pingback: Tag Me Tuesday – Lisa Mae’s Questions – Prudentia Sit

  4. Congratulations Lisa!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely answers Lisa Mae. London is one of my favourite places. However, I didn’t get the sense of energy from Stonehenge that you did. My lasting impression was that we couldn’t get an impression, because we were kept too far away from it with the fencing. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

    Liked by 1 person

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