Badass Moving Forward

Badassery 10/1

Well hello little badass calendar!

Happy October…

No copyright infringement intended

If life is but a dream,

why do some have rainbows and unicorns,

while others have horror stories?

Still others, a mixture of the two…

I do agree, however, that I can create my own nightmares

by thinking negative thoughts.

I always try to find the positive in everything-

even my shadows

my craziness

the things that seem bad but turn out to be the best things that ever happened

things I think I won’t survive but teach multiple lessons

situations that illustrate that I should have followed my gut instinct- the still, small voice in my heart.

I tend to pray positively as well,

for I am not powerful enough

to change the will of G-d.

Therefore, I don’t ask for specifics.

I know that H-s will is supreme and not in my control.

Everything in my life,


will work out the way it is supposed to.

For my highest good.

This realization has helped

to defeat worry in my head

(something I struggled with for most of my life).

My ultimate trust no longer lies in other humans, but in G-d and myself.

That will be enough.

Until I hear differently from the ‘Man upstairs’.

XO Lisa ❤️

2 comments on “Badassery 10/1

  1. Amen and Well said!! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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